so I will give more details. I am a little embarrassed because I am only 5 weeks along. I know a little early to tell, but those of you that know me, know that my life is an open book and I usually tell you all things that you don't even really care about knowing:)
According to internet due date estimators my due date is: JUNE 12, 2009
Yuck, that seems so far away! I can't believe we are doing this again. We have been thinking that maybe we should have another, and one week we would be all for it, and then Finley would have some bad nights at sleeping or Peanut and Finley would fight like cats and dogs and we would say that we weren't going to have anymore, two kids is enough. Well, obviously someone knows what we need and that is another munchkin in our family. So the wild ride of pregnancy begins again.
To all of you that confessed in my comments that you are going to be enjoying this ride along with is now your turn for more details.
Oh.........and this is my 100th post. To celebrate I will be sending everyone 100 toe nail clippings.
(not my picture.....and honestly it make my stomach a little queasy)