
I am not that old. Am I?

Okay people I am only 28.5 years old, but last night at Young Womens I felt SOOOOO old. I had the beehives in my car and we were driving to our activity for the night. My radio is set to RadioDisney, and it rarely changes (I confess I like it as much as my kids do). The new song by Paula Abdul came on and the girls asked who was singing it. I replied (surprised that I actually knew the answer) "Paula Abdul" one of the girls was totally flabbergasted (i love that word) and said she didn't know that Paula Abdul was even a singer. um!!!!!Hello!!!! she was my 5th grade rock star. She had never heard of "Opposites Attract" or "Cold Hearted Snake" I knew every word and every dance step. She was my first album I ever owned (actually I think I had a tape of "TIFFANY" when I was 6). So to all of you who don't know that Paula is a singer and not just an American Idol host here is my favorite song (I can still sing it word for word)


Melinda said...

I LOVED Paula Abdul! Me and my friend Shannon would make up dances to her songs all the time!! I also think Tiffany was one of my first tapes I ever owned!!

Leo and Jill said...

I totally LOVED that video. And I totally LOVED Paula!!
Kids are just not in "tune" with the good stuff anymore.

Aly said...

Omigosh. I LOVED Paula Abdul. Steve and I went to her concert as one of our first dates. Too funny. If you are old, then I am ancient! When pegged pants, teased bangs and neon come back in, THEN we will be old :)

Rachel said...

So now who's old. That song came out when I was in high school - that's too funny. My worst day was being at a video store and hearing a dad say to his kid, Wanna watch Star Wars? The kid said What's that? AHHHH! Of course, that was before episodes 1-3 came out, but still. Wow.

Tres Chic Boutique said...

When I was in 7th grade (?) I received three tapes for Christmas. Paula Abdul, Forever Your Girl (?) Janet Jackson, Rhythm Nation, and MC Hammer. Ummmm Yeah. And I LOVED them and listened quite often. Probably have them somewhere. And I can still sing them too :)

Fun Fee Family said...

Honey! You are not that old.... Do you think you did that to any of your YW leaders? I am sure I did.... lol

Paige said...

Love that song. I feel old too!